Tendokan News No. 42
Editorial supplement on the occasion of the kawaraban`s 10th anniversary
With this edition of the kawaraban, it has been published for the 42nd time. As it is released four times a year it exists now for more than 10 years. It was handed out at the kagamibiraki party 10 years ago for the first time. That time word processors were available, but automatic editing of the format of this A3 edition was tremendously difficult. The handwritten manuscripts had to be keyed in, the manuscripts generated by word processors were entered into the computer using OCR, and fonts were standardized and printed. Further on illustrations for the draft, which were minimized or maximized by a copy machine, had to be pasted.
Nowadays we receive manuscripts via the internet from all. Digital pictures are inserted, and illustrations and calligraphies are scanned for digital procession.
We also intend to put the kawaraban on the internet shortly.
We would like to publish your Tendōkan career in the kawaraban.
Our intension is to continue the kawaraban to no. 50 and further beyond to no. 100. We are looking forward to your manuscripts.
(Editor in charge: Jingū)